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Електронний журнал «Ефективна економіка» включено до переліку наукових фахових видань України з питань економіки (Категорія «Б», Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України від 11.07.2019 № 975)
Ефективна економіка № 10, 2013
UDC 339.9.012.23
Bogdan Butko,
PhD student of Department of International Economics of the Economical Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Paper deals with the essence of international cooperation in the field of innovations. Current plight of international cooperation in the field of innovation characterized. Patterns, texture, kinds and subjects of international cooperation in the field of innovation defined and revealed.
Background. In today's world, from an objective standpoint, the development of the following processes shall be noted: globalization , integration, forming of a sole economic space, internationalization and regionalization . There has been prompt development of transboundary cooperation . Evolution of these processes leads to revision and reconstruction of the entire system of international relations. In fact the impetus for a reconsideration of the proclamation was entirely a lawful thesis that the international relations do function only in an interstate capacity. The rapid development of science and technology areas resulted the need for international cooperation in the field of innovations, since this extent of international cooperation, , is a promising priority for development.
Analysis of recent publications on research. The issue of international cooperation in the field of innovation was examined by the following recommendable researchers A. Hawryluk, P. Haydutskyy, N. Hrazhevska, A. Danilenko, V. Kolosov, O. Malyutin, L. Maslovskaya, L. Fedulova, etc. These researchers focused on conditions of international cooperation in the field of innovations specifically for Ukraine , but the essence of the issue of international cooperation in the field of innovation is not yet disclosed .
The aim of the article is to determine the nature of international cooperation in terms of innovation, in particular to define the essence of international cooperation; to designate international cooperation in the innovation sphere, identify forms of international cooperation in the field of innovation.
The main material. In modern world the economic integration processes are based on a complex of factors. Among them we can allocate how essential are the following:
- globalization processes of financial and economic activity;
- dissemination and development of international relations of division of labor;
- Scientific and technological revolution;
- Increasing openness of national economies.
All of these factors are autonomous. Among the reasons for integration, are the following set of reasons:
- Economies of scale;
- Dissemination of new technologies;
- Development of infrastructure;
- Dissemination of knowledge;
- The development of transnational corporations;
- The crescent influence of international economic organizations, foundations;
- Creation of integration factions;
- Liberalization of trade and other markets;
- Achievements in information technology.
Thus, in the current situation of exogenous sustainable development of bilateral economic relations between the countries and especially between their firms through international division of labor has moved to a qualitively new, global level. The increasing openness of national economies, performance of TNCs (transnational corporations ), which subsequently developed into SR ( Scientific Revolution) , international trade , migration of capital, modern transport, communication and information transfer processes contributed to the internationalization of economic life to a level, at which a global network of relationships in a holistic world economy with an active participation of a bulk of firms of most countries was formed.
Scientists and experts, which work in the system of international law have already formed understanding of the essence of international relations in the broader politic context, the so-called “interpolitical relations” - those that go beyond the territory and jurisdiction of one state. Of course, the legal interpretation of the term "international" [1] naturally narrows its meaning, which beyond the bound of legal science is treated as " existing between nations , international ." Thus, legal scholars determined that the present international relations gained the pure international nature of the exact semantic meaning of the respectful term in legal practice.
As it is defined in the theory of international economic cooperation , international cooperation is a dynamic complex of organizational, political and economic ( industrial, commercial , scientific and technical) aspects. Relations between the States, their groups and international organizations as well as individual businesses based on the principles of independence, respect for national sovereignty and state entities offers strong confidence to ensure participants in mutual economic benefits.[2]
These last definitions give insight to understanding that the plausible international cooperation is not only limited to subjects of international public law. Agents of international cooperation in this case may not only be presented by state and administrative units, but by legal entities and individuals as well. A reason for international cooperation is the mutual interest of economic, political, scientific and cultural institutional features, the need to prevent and overcome the negative effects of an anthropogenic factor, the presence of common issues, establishment of peaceful coexistence. Therefore , international cooperation in the broader sense includes specific units and foreign trade businesses.
We may can conclude that the study of sources-based theory of international economic cooperation includes: public legal activities of an imperious nature, carried out by entities that realize the states authority function (states, federations entities) aimed to create a legal and institutional framework of direct economic ties for various nationalities and of legal forms of interaction for economic agents based in different states.
The system of international economic cooperation includes multilevel relations and connections (Fig. 1).
Figure. 1. Various levels of relations and communications in the system of international economic cooperation
Examination of elements of international economic cooperation.
The relationship of the I level - is international , namely interstate economic relations relevant to the subject of regulation of international economic law as a branch of public international law. States establish the legal framework for international economic relations , its legal status , create a equable mode of legal regulation of foreign trade transactions . Sovereign states create international law principles and maxims of cooperation between its actors taking themselves to actively promote bilateral business ties and create favorable conditions therein.
The relationship of II, III, and IV levels - are the interstate economic relations beyond the territory of a State and are not a subject to regulation by international law. These relations are governed by national legal systems in which they are named differently.
The relationship of the II level is the "diagonal" of international economic relations with foreign partners (agents, federations of administrative-territorial entities, individuals and legal entities of foreign states).
Relationship is the III level comprises subjects of foreign economic relations and political subdivisions within the law of the state jurisdiction. Their goal is to promote economic development of individual subjects by establishing strong and long-term mutually beneficial contacts. Often these relations appear as transboundary trade relationships of contiguous states. In Ukraine it is defined “cross-border cooperation”. According to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities, which defines the concept : "...any concerted action designed to reinforce and deepen neighborly-benevolent relations between territorial communities or authorities within the jurisdiction of two or more Contracting Parties and the conclusion for this purpose any necessary agreements or arrangements”[3].
Relationship of the IV level constitutes a platform for foreign trade businesses, primarily individuals and legal entities of foreign countries, whiches aim is to systematically earn profit and was implemented through the conclusion of external agreements. In accordance to the Law of Ukraine “On Foreign Economic Activity”[3] of April 16, 1991 , foreign economic activity - business entities in Ukraine and foreign business entities , based on the relationship between them, which can take place on the territory of Ukraine and beyond . A more precise definition of the activities is contained in the Commercial Code of Ukraine . Foreign economic activities of enterprises by the Code, is an economic activity that is in the process of its implementation; it requires crossing the customs border of Ukraine 's property and (or) labor. Thus, external economic relations are regulated by private international law as a distinct field of the domestic legal system. These relations are governed by the conflict of national standards (internal and standardized ) and uniform substantive rules.
Summarizing the abovementioned, shall we define that the relationship of the I, II and II levels inherently is the public law , imperious relations , aimed to form the legal basis of direct interaction between businesses, whereas relationship of the IV level - are contractual , based on the principles of equality of arms and freedom of contract.
Insofar, international economic cooperation is a global multi-tiered system of international economic interaction between all agents of the international system aimed to ensure sustainable economic development and obtainment of mutual benefits.
International cooperation in the field of innovation began to be seen as a separate field of international economic cooperation recently. Extraction of international cooperation in the field of innovation through international economic cooperation was due to changes in priorities of innovative technologies and priorities for international cooperation. It is known that the development of innovative technologies depends on the state of the economic system of the state, and the economical condition of individual countries leans to technical progress. In these latter days technology production improvement acts as a factor of competitiveness, but on the other hand, due to the large research intensity which leads to the development of international cooperation in the field of innovation, can significantly accelerate innovative development . For these reasons, the development of international cooperation in the field of innovation is a priority for international cooperation .
International cooperation in innovations aims to obtain commercial effect . In terms of resource shortages and domestic demand for the results of scientific work downfall, subjects research and innovation sector themselves tend to develop into foreign economic relations, developing international contacts, reducing governmental influence and control over this activity. An uncontrolled foreign investment in the scientific sector, unschooled trade of “know-how” technology, and other adverse events occure in the field of intellectual property .
For the analysis of scientific sources we have determined that international cooperation in the field of innovation is the exchange of research and production experience , division of labor and cooperation in scientific research and development activities , cooperation in the field of scientific and technical information and training. International cooperation in innovation consists of two elements.
The first component - is interstate cooperation in innovation : scientific and technological activities, mostly non-commercial , as part of intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements on scientific and technical cooperation, which takes the form of joint basic research and applied research, information exchange , and technical assistance provision.
In Ukraine, the base implementation of the first component of international cooperation in the field of innovation is the brainpower and the number of scientific organizations (Table 1).
Table 1.
Number of scientific institutions and the number of scientists in Ukraine in 2000 – 2012[5]
Years |
Number of organizations performing research and development |
The overall number of scientists |
The number of doctors of science |
Number of candidates of science in Ukraine |
2000 |
1490 |
120773 |
10339 |
58741 |
2001 |
1479 |
113341 |
10603 |
60647 |
2002 |
1477 |
107447 |
11008 |
62673 |
2003 |
1487 |
104841 |
11259 |
64372 |
2004 |
1505 |
106603 |
11573 |
65839 |
2005 |
1510 |
105512 |
12014 |
68291 |
2006 |
1452 |
100245 |
12488 |
71893 |
2007 |
1404 |
96820 |
12845 |
74191 |
2008 |
1378 |
94138 |
13423 |
77763 |
2009 |
1340 |
92403 |
13866 |
81169 |
2010 |
1303 |
89534 |
14418 |
84000 |
2011 |
1255 |
84969 |
14895 |
84979 |
2012 |
1208 |
82032 |
15592 |
88057 |
According to Table 1, Ukraine has reduced the number of organizations that perform research and development and gradually reduced the number of researchers. At such circumstances, maintaining the scientific potential of Ukraine is possible only through enhanced international cooperation in the field of innovation.
The second component of international cooperation in innovation is the international technology cooperation, which is an international scientific and technical innovation, production and marketing activities, based on bilateral and multilateral basis, aimed to production and commercialization of products, services, intellectual property magnification or to obtain other benefits. International innovation and technological cooperation is a form of international economic relations, which denotes collaboration and cooperation processes in high-tech sectors of the world economy. Table 2 presents the current status of the scientific and technical work in Ukraine.
Table 2.
The volume of scientific and technical work in the 2000 - 2012, mln.hrn.[5]
Years |
In total, at actual prices |
Including |
Proportion of completed scientific and of technical work in GDP,% |
Fundamental investigations |
Applied studies |
Development |
Scientific and technical services |
2000 |
1978,4 |
266,6 |
436,7 |
1106,3 |
168,8 |
1,16 |
2001 |
2275,0 |
353,3 |
304,9 |
1317,2 |
299,6 |
1,11 |
2002 |
2496,8 |
424,9 |
343,6 |
1386,6 |
341,7 |
1,11 |
2003 |
3319,8 |
491,2 |
429,8 |
1900,2 |
498,6 |
1,24 |
2004 |
4112,4 |
629,7 |
573,7 |
2214,0 |
695,0 |
1,19 |
2005 |
4818,6 |
902,1 |
708,9 |
2406,9 |
800,7 |
1,09 |
2006 |
5354,6 |
1141,0 |
841,5 |
2741,6 |
630,5 |
0,98 |
2007 |
6700,7 |
1504,0 |
1132,6 |
3303,1 |
761,0 |
0,93 |
2008 |
8538,9 |
1927,4 |
1545,7 |
4088,2 |
977,7 |
0,90 |
2009 |
8653,7 |
1916,6 |
1412,0 |
4215,9 |
1109,2 |
0,95 |
2010 |
9867,1 |
2188,4 |
1617,1 |
5037,0 |
1024,6 |
0,90 |
2011 |
10349,9 |
2205,8 |
1866,7 |
4985,9 |
1291,5 |
0,79 |
2012 |
11252,7 |
2621,9 |
2057,7 |
5369,9 |
1203,2 |
0,80 |
According to Table 2, we can determine that in monetary terms, the volume of scientific and technical work increases, but during the specified period a decrease of the proportion of completed scientific and of technical work in Ukraine's GDP is stated. So far for Ukraine, relations in the international spread of innovation and technological cooperation is the most important and most ambitious part of the international cooperation.
The Russian doctrine of scientists and experts in the field of international cooperation in innovation is following its definition: in international cooperation in the field of innovation means joint development of scientific and technical problems, the interchange of scientific achievements, work experience and training of qualified personnel.[6]
International cooperation practice of states and international organizations in the sphere of innovations developed into: (Fig. 2).
1. The joint implementation of research and experimental development (R & D) |
ß |
2. Joint scientific research of applied nature |
ß |
3. Exchange of scientific and technological achievements |
ß |
4. Joint training of scientists and experts and publication of science and technology as encyclopedias, books and manuals for widespread use |
Figure. 2. Types of international cooperation in the field of innovation
The details of the main types of international cooperation in the field of innovation .
1. The joint implementation of research and experimental development ( R & D) . These works belong to the broad scope: of pure scientific research, scientific development and new product samples, technical documentation for the manufacture of the product, the development of new technology and “know- how” tech, the development of new methods of production. Such joint development and research can lead to the creation of inventions with the design of a common patent for an invention.
2. Practical (applied) joint scientific research. This is a more narrow area of cooperation than R&D. Used by partners to improve or create any innovations. Partners in this type of cooperation have significant scientific and technical means, as well as opportunity funds.
3. Exchange of scientific and technical achievements. This is an important and commonly used form of international cooperation in the field of innovation. This exchange is diverse and covers many kinds of research activities, including:
a) exchange of scientific and technological advances and research. This allows the partner to reduce the cost of relevant studies and, in addition, makes it possible to determine the scientific and technical level of his enterprise;
b) exchange of patents and “know- how” technology. The purpose is to use counterparts scientific knowledge and reduce own funds for company’s own development . In an exchange of patents and “know- how” agreements partners also agree to continue joint research on the subject of exchange in order to create a better product.
Exchange of scientific and technological advances also carried out in the following forms:
- organization and participation of scientists and experts in international conferences, seminars and workshops, where the participants have the opportunity to protrude with scientific reports of the relevant science and technology developments. International conferences on broad participation of scientists and professionals are the topic of interest to a vast number of countries, but yet is not sufficiently investigated, peculiarly, in such areas as treatment of diseases and the creation of necessary medicines;
- exchange of scientists and for lectures and consultations on relevant scientific topics;
- exchange of scientists and experts for an internship at partner’s company in appropriate profile of science and industry ;
- training experts at partners company in the field of science and industry in appropriate business profile.
4. Joint training of scientists and experts and publication of science and technology in encyclopedias, books and manuals for widespread use. These scientific works may concern various fields of science, technology, commerce and industry, as well as management, production, marketing and commercial advertising, including certain forms and methods of use. These research papers are usually published by their funding sponsors, which may be different research centers , scientific - research institutes and other organizations.
Also the following forms of international scientific and technical cooperation should be distinguished: coordination , cooperation , association , harmonization and regional integration. Coordination in the field of innovative technology is a way to work out a common state policy. The result is the coordination of international programs in the field of joint innovation. Cooperation is an international legal form of research in which the state is engaged in R&D related to a common theme or a research program on basis of international treaty or joint program. The Association is an association with wide external relations in science and technology. Examples of such associations is a scientific association within the British Commonwealth of Nations, and the Non-Aligned Movement and the Kontador group[7]. Harmonization is an improved coordination of scientific and technical activity between states. International legal instrument, which pursues harmonization, establishes the principles of activities performed under the auspices of the relevant international organizations. Examples of this are contracts within the Council of Europe, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD ) and others.
Examination of diversity of relations in the field of international scientific and technological cooperation suggests that the world has formed a system of universal, regional and bilateral international cooperation in the field of innovation. The main subjects of cooperation are states, international and national organizations, individual scientists and their teams. This system includes [8]:
- international scientific relations, which resolve theoretical and experimental problems of fundamental and applied science (within UNESCO, the EU program “Eureka”);
- international technical and technological communications (universal cooperation in the field of telecommunications);
- ties in the field of industrial property (as part of the Eurasian Patent Organization);
- training (programs implemented by ILO, TACIS );
- international facilitation to creation of workstations and researching processes (UNDP, UNESCO)
- ensure the safe use of scientific and technological progress (cooperation in the framework of the IAEA);
- preventing damage to the environment (cooperation within UNEP) and others.
One of the most common forms of international cooperation in the field of innovation are joint projects in the field of technological innovation, implemented within the framework of relevant international programs. The authorities create the necessary conditions for such cooperation through international agreements.
The main objectives of the EU to Ukraine and other countries that formerly part of the Soviet Union, as follows [9]:
- help in maintaining research capability;
- help in solving important social, economic and environmental problems ;
- intensification of cooperation in the areas where these countries may be compatible in the world-class development.
These goals are achieved through the following instruments:
- KBS special events aimed at solving specific problems ;
- program of the International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union;
- opening specific programs of research on so-called Framework Programs.
At present the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 ) operates , which has subtitled "Building the European Research Area of knowledge for growth" , which launched on January 1st, 2007 and will end December 31st, 2013 .
FP7 brings together all EU research initiatives to fulfill the main objectives, namely development, competitiveness and employment with a new Competitiveness and Innovation Program (CIP), educational and training programs and structural funds. FP7 is one of the main foundations of the European Research Area. The program provides new impetus and increases European competitiveness and strengthens the role of knowledge as the largest European resource. Over the previous program FP7 focused on international cooperation, supported at all levels, to meet the needs of the European economy. In addition, the first program provides support for the best European research through the creation of the European Research Council. The focuses of the entire program are the intellectual skills, because that factor will play a significant role in the development of Europe's global competitiveness [10].
Table 3 shows the results of Ukraine's participation in FP7. Number of project proposals, where Ukrainian scientists act as partners, have increased in the Seventh Framework Program. The latest statistics show that 714 Ukrainian scientists participated in the 560 project proposals. After the evaluation, 103 projects were supported (EU contribution of 11.7 million euros), they included 139 Ukrainian researchers [11].
Table 3.
The results of Ukraine's participation in the Seventh Framework Program [11[
Direction program |
Number of project proposals, which include Ukrainian scientists as partners |
Number of researchers involved in the research |
environment |
54 |
95 |
Social and Human Sciences |
66 |
67 |
transport |
41 |
60 |
space |
6 |
16 |
Another priority is to simplify and facilitate participation in the program due to events relating to streamline procedures and instruments. Although, though it is a generally new approach, many elements of the Sixth Framework Program will be added into a new program , as practice for the majority of the FP7 does not change, but participation in it will be a lot less complicated.
Conclusions. Thus, summarizing our study we shall recognize that international cooperation in the field of innovation is a holistic, independent and broad category of general concepts of international economic cooperation. The development of relations in the framework of international cooperation in innovations is an important feature of the modern global economy. This trend is due to the rapid development of innovation, the emergence and strengthening of the positions of transnational reproductive systems and the creation of a global entire space for international movements of goods and factors of production.
International cooperation in the field of innovation is one of the important places in EU policy. The development of scientific and technological cooperation in Europe is based on the “multi-tiered” basis. The Framework Program is the main mechanism and the first practical step to creating a single European Research Area (ERA). Ukraine, as well as other CIS countries, has the right to participate in all areas of the Framework Program, including the right to receive funding from the European Union.
In fact, over the past decade the EU approved new forms and methods of stimulating innovation, innovation policy has become long term, systematic and comprehensive, with clear quantitative and qualitative benchmarks , and the harmonized EU policy was the “driving force” for national governments and private businesses.
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11. European Commission. Research & Innovation. FP7. Statistics // http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7/
Стаття надійшла до редакції 07.10.2013 р.