А. В. Рябчик
DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2018.11.92
УДК: 659.1.013
А. В. Рябчик
У статті проаналізовано, систематизовано та узагальнено найбільш поширені методи психологічного впливу на поведінку споживача, які можуть використовуватися в рекламі. Розкрито сутність і особливості кожного із методів. Особливу увагу приділено способам і технологіям використання даних методів в сучасній рекламі для формування необхідної поведінки споживачів. Визначено ситуації, в яких застосування окремих методів є найбільш дієвими, та фактори, які впливають на їх використання. Дане дослідження носить теоретично-практичний характер. На основі досліджень підприємства і рекламодавці зможуть ознайомитися з аспектами сучасної теорії і практики психології щодо реклами та краще зорієнтуватися в сучасному рекламному виробництві. Також результати дослідження допоможуть зрозуміти яка реклама, яким чином і який вплив здійснює на психіку людини для того, щоб створювати психологічно грамотну і ефективну рекламу.
Ключові слова: реклама; психологічний вплив; споживач; споживча поведінка.
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A. V. Riabchyk
Modern advertising is aimed to change the customers’ behavior to goods on the market and stimulate them to do the purchase of it. Advertising is one of the main means to impact on the customers’ behaviour, to obtain a benefit and effective tools for development of an individual company and field in total. Advertising has a significant psychological and socio-cultural impact on customers, inducing them to certain actions. From the point of view of psychology, advertising is one of the possible mediators between the need and is the subject that could satisfy it. The various methods of psychological impact on the customer are used to increase the advertising impact and effectiveness of the advertisement itself. Such methods are persuasion, suggestion, psychoanalytic method, ericonic hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, linguistic manipulation, socio-psychological settings, stereotypes, identification, mechanism of "aureola", imitation, psychological infection, advertising shows and technology of the 25th frame. In the article we have revealed the essence and features of each method. We paid special attention to the methods and technologies of using these methods in modern advertising to form the necessary consumers’ behavior. We have found that the attitude of scientists and practitioners to use of these methods is ambiguous. Some are convinced of the efficiency and utility of these methods. The second, on the contrary, argue that the use of most methods is ineffective, because the main driving force of consumers’ behavior is the objective needs of man. Others believe that the effectiveness of methods of psychological influence depends on certain circumstances, as well as the level, nature and technology of using the methods themselves. We concluded that in the process of creating modern advertising used and closely intertwined various methods of psychological influence, the nature of which can be positive and negative. Psychologically competent, positive advertising does not destroy the psyche and promotes the formation of positive thinking of the consumer. Positive advertising is a psychologically competent advertisement that attracts the attention of the customer, shapes his behavior, and shows the benefits of the product, the uniqueness, the need for the product through the knowledge of the basics of psychology, and elementary information about the psychology of the individual. The research of methods of psychological influence and possibilities of their use in advertising involves the solution of a number of topical issues: scientific, technological, ethical, legislative and others. This research is theoretically practical. On the basis of a research, companies and advertisers will be able to get acquainted with the aspects of modern theory and practice of psychology with regard to advertising and better orientation in modern advertising production. Also, the results of the study will help you understand what is advertising, how and which impact does on the human psyche in order to create psychologically competent and effective advertising.
Keywords: advertising; psychological impact; consumer; consumer behavior.
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№ 11 2018
Дата публікації: 2018-11-30
Кількість переглядів: 10872