Л. В. Коваль
DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2019.5.42
УДК: 657:1
Л. В. Коваль
В статті розглянуто питання формування облікової політики та визначено її роль в управлінні підприємством. Наведено визначення облікової політики відповідно до чинного законодавства та міжнародної практики. Здійснено порівняння понятійного апарату. Встановлено, що головне призначення облікової політики зводиться до визначення найоптимальніших методів ведення обліку для конкретного підприємства. Окреслено зв’язки між категоріями облікової політики.
Ключові слова: облікова політика; підприємство; управління; елементи облікової політики; облік.
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L. Koval
The article deals with the issues of formation of accounting policy and its role in the management of the enterprise. Modern economic conditions encourage managers of enterprises to quality management of the latter. To make managerial decisions, you need to have a powerful information base that will serve as a foundation for these purposes. The basis of information management guidance is the accounting information, so an important point in the management of the enterprise is the formation of an optimal accounting policy, which will ensure the possibility of complete and accurate formation of accounting data.
The main purpose of the accounting policy is to establish the accounting methods that are most advantageous for a particular enterprise and, based on them, to prepare financial statements that meet the established qualitative characteristics. Consequently, when setting the accounting policy, the enterprise should choose the principles, methods and procedures of accounting so as to reliably reflect the financial position and results of its activities and ensure the comparability of financial statements
It should be noted that the principles, methods and procedures are interrelated and have their own hierarchical sequence.
Typically, accounting policies are formed for a particular enterprise, taking into account the organizational, technical and methodological aspects of its activities. Thus, the accounting policy has, respectively, organizational, technical and methodological components.
In addition, it is imperative for accountancy policy to take into account the managerial aspect.
In addition, the company pursues its own interests, which are often in attracting new investments and increasing returns. Thus, the arbitrary choice of accounting methods leads to real changes in the composition of requirements and obligations of enterprises. In this connection, the study and development of a model for the formation of an optimal accounting policy of an enterprise in market conditions becomes important.
Undoubtedly, accounting policy is an instrument of accounting management at an enterprise. However, the accounting policy value goes beyond this process.
Elements of accounting policies affect company credentials, reporting articles and analytical performance. Therefore, among the standard variety of alternatives, one should choose the one that will most effectively be presented by the company.
Keywords: accounting policy; enterprise; management; elements of accounting policy; accounting.
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№ 5 2019
Дата публікації: 2019-05-30
Кількість переглядів: 12035