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Р. І. Жовновач, Ю. В. Малаховський, М. М. Г. Мохамед

DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2019.12.17

УДК: 332.025.12:332.055.2:332.144

Р. І. Жовновач, Ю. В. Малаховський, М. М. Г. Мохамед



Метою публікації є узагальнення зарубіжної практики реалізації стратегічних імперативів управління інтелектуальним ресурсами персоналу інноваційно-активних підприємств (ІАП). У ході дослідження вивчаються методологічні підходи до визначення сутності інноваційного потенціалу працівників ІАП як сукупності знань, вмінь, здібностей, особистих характеристик, які визначають міру їхньої готовності до сприйняття, запровадження та продукування інновацій, забезпечують довготривалу особисту конкурентоспроможність та ефективне функціонування підприємства в умовах економіки знань. Перспективи реалізації імперативів управління інтелектуальними ресурсами ІАП розглядаються у контексті практичного розгортання постіндустріальної моделі прискореного розвитку економіки в рамках шостого технологічного укладу і пов’язуються з трансформаційною модернізацією інноваційних мезоекономічних екосистем як наукомістких соціоцентричних соціальних мереж, що спеціалізуються на швидкому та ефективному створенні та передаванні нових знань.

Ключові слова: управління персоналом; інноваційно активне підприємство; інноваційна екосистема наукомісткого підприємства; стратегічний імператив.


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11. Aaker D.A. Spanning Silos: The New CMO Imperative. Harvard Business School Press, 2008. 204 p.
12. Bailey M.N., Zitzewitz E., Bosworth B., Westphal L.E. Extending the East Asian Miracle: Microeconomic Evidence from Korea. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics. 1998, Vol. 29 (1998 Micr.). P. 249-321.
13. Bartlett K.R., Lawler J.J., Bae J., Chen S., Wan D. Differences in International Human Resource Development Among Indigenous Firms and Multinational Affiliates in East and Southeast Asia. Human Resource Development Quarterly. 2002. Vol. 13. No 4. P. 383-405.
14. Belgard W., Steven R. Shaping the Future: A Dynamic Process for Creating and Achieving Your Company`s Strategic Vision. 1st edition. Аmacom, 2004. 256 р.
15. Bosch A., Vonortas N. Smart Specialization as a Tool to Foster Innovation in Emerging Economies: Lessons from Brazil. Foresight and STI Governance. 2019, vol. 13, no 1, pp. 32-47.
16. Chepurenko A. Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Post- Socialist Economies. Foresight and STI Governance. 2019, vol. 13, no 4, pp. 6-8.
17. Child J., David K.T. China’s transition and its implications for international business. Journal of International Business Studies. 2001, Vol. 32. No 1. P. 5-21.
18. Decker C. Modern Economic Regulation: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, 490 p.
19. Ding D., Fields D., Akhtar S. An empirical study of human resource management policies and practices in foreign-invested enterprises in China: The case of Shenzen Special Economic Zone. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 1997, Vol. 8. No 5. P. 595-613.
20. Ding D.Z., Akhtar S. The organizational choice of human resource management practices: A study of Chinese enterprises in three cities in the PRC. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2001, Vol. 12. No 6. P. 946-964.
21. Eriksson T., Qin Z., Wang W. Firm-level Innovation Activity, Employee Turnover and HRM Practices – Evidence from Chinese Firms. Economics Working Papers 2014-09. Aarhus: Aarhus University, 2014. URL: http://econ.au.dk/fileadmin/site_files/filer_oekonomi/ Working_Papers/Economics/2014/wp14_09.pdf (дата звернення 01.11.2019).
22. Hofstede G. Cultures and organizations, Software of the mind. Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival. London: McGraw-Hill, 1991, 561 p.
23. Ivanova I., Strand Ø., Leydesdorff L. The Synergy and Cycle Values in Regional Innovation Systems: The Case of Norway. Foresight and STI Governance. 2019. vol. 13, no 1, pp. 48-61.
24. Kim G.H. The Nature and Limits of Income-led Growth Theory. Labour Society. 2017. Vol. 197. P. 27-31.
25. Kim S.S., Choi Y.S. The Innovative Platform Programme in South Korea: Economic Policies in Innovation-Driven Growth. Foresight and STI Governance. 2019. Vol. 13, no 3, pp. 13-22.
26. Kim T.I. Assessments of the Income-led Growth and Future Policy Direction. Proceedings of the Autumn Conference of 2018 of the Korean Association for Policy Studies. 2018. P. 257-286.
27. Korean Government Innovative Platform. The Policy Direction of Strategic Investment for Innovation-Driven Growth: веб-сайт. URL: http://www.moef.go.kr/nw/nes/ detailNesDtaView.do?searchBbsId1=&searchNttId1=MOSF_000000000018581&menuNo= 4010100 (дата звернення 18.11.2019).
28. Korean Government. The Governmental Policy on the Eight Leading Industries: веб-сайт. URL: http://www.moef.go.kr/nw/nes/detailNesDtaView.do?searchBbsId1=&searchNttId1= MOSF_000000000026977&menuNo=4010100 (дата звернення 19.11.2019).
29. Krause I. Coworking Space: A Window to the Future of Work? Foresight and STI Governance. 2019, vol. 13, no 2, pp. 52-60.
30. Kuzminov Ya., Sorokin P., Froumin I. Generic and Specific Skills as Components of Human Capital: New Challenges for Education Theory and Practice. Foresight and STI Governance. 2019, vol. 13, no 2, pp. 19-41.
31. Linton J. Quiet Contributors: The Role of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in Innovation. Foresight and STI Governance. 2018, vol. 12, no 3, pp. 6-12.
32. Milovidov V. Hearing the Sound of the Wave: What Impedes One’s Ability to Foresee Innovations? Foresight and STI Governance. 2018, vol. 12, no 1, pp. 88-97.
33. Ministry of Economy & Finance. 1st Ministerial Meeting to Promote Innovation in Industries: веб-сайт. URL: http://english.moef.go.kr/ec/selectTbEconomicDtl.do?boardCd=E0001&seq= 4615&boardCdKey=N (дата звернення 23.11.2019).
34. Ministry of Economy & Finance. Measures to Boost Ventures: веб-сайт. URL: http://english.moef.go.kr/ec/selectTbEconomicDtl.do?boardCd=E0001&seq= 4640&boardCdKey=N (дата звернення 18.11.2019).
35. Ministry of Economy & Finance. 13th Ministerial Meeting on Boosting the Economy: веб-сайт. URL: http://english.moef.go.kr/ec/selectTbEconomicDtl.do?boardCd=E0001&seq= 4662&boardCdKey=N (дата звернення 19.11.2019).
36. MSITC. The Innovation Growth Engine. Leading Preparations for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Seoul: Ministry of Science and ICT: веб-сайт. URL: https://iac.nia.or.kr/ board_files/96/download (дата звернення 21.11.2019).
37. Nahapiet J., Ghoshal S. Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage. Academy of Management. Academy of Management Review. 1998. Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 242-266.
38. Raunio M., Nordling N., Kautonen M., Räsänen P. Open Innovation Platforms as a Knowledge Triangle Policy Tool – Evidence from Finland. Foresight and STI Governance. 2018, vol. 12, no 2, pp. 62-76.
39. Rezaeian A., Bagheri R. Modeling the Factors that Affect the Implementation of Knowledge Networks. Foresight and STI Governance. 2018, vol. 12, no 1, pp. 56-67.
40. Seidl da Fonseca R., Pinheiro-Veloso A. The Practice and Future of Financing Science, Technology, and Innovation. Foresight and STI Governance. 2018, vol. 12, no 2, pp. 6-22.
41. Shamsi A. The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Managerial Skills: The Role of Creative Thinking. Foresight and STI Governance. 2017, vol. 11, no 4, pp. 44-51.
42. Tang S.F.Y., Lai E.W.K., Cheng L.Z., Zhang S.Q. Human Resource Management Strategies and Practices in Foreign Invested Enterprises in the PRC. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of HRM, 1996, 152 p.
43. Ungson C.R., Steers R.M., Park S.-H. Korean Enterprise: The Quest for Globalization. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1997, 408 p.
44. Warner M. Human Resources in the People’s Republic of China: The “Three Systems” Reforms. Human Resource Management Journal. 1996. Vol. 6. No 2. P. 32-43.
45. Zavyalova E., Alsufyev A., Krakovetskaya I., Lijun W., Li J. Personnel Development in Chinese Innovation-Active Companies. Foresight and STI Governance. 2018, vol. 12, no 3, pp. 43-52.
46. Zhu C.J. Human Resource Development in China During the Transition to a New Economic System. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. 1998. Vol. 35. No 3. P. 19-44.

R. Zhovnovach, Y. Malakhovskyi, M. Mohamed



The purpose of the publication is to summarize the foreign experience of formation and realization of strategic imperatives of management of intellectual resources with the purpose of formation of innovative potential of employees of innovatively active enterprises (IAE) as ecosystem of production of new knowledge and creation on their basis of added value in the conditions of development of knowledge economy. An approach to understanding the essence of managing the intellectual potential of staff as a major productive resource and, at the same time, a direct source of well-being of its carriers, is the basis for forming strategic imperatives for the management of innovatively active enterprises as sociocentric ecosystems – social networks of value creation. Taking into account the fact that the implementation of this approach has a bright national colour, the best practices of South Korea and the PRC as countries among the world's largest exporters of high-tech products and leading centres for the introduction of a post-industrial knowledge economy are analysed in detail. In South Korea, which pursues a policy of economic liberalization, the management of IAE's intellectual resources has been integrated into a system of nation-wide measures to strike a balance between social security, income growth and economic growth through innovation. The strategic imperatives of managing the intellectual resources of IAE personnel in China are implemented within the framework of the education subsystem of the national innovation ecosystem and are used as a tool for human capital management to achieve the strategic goals of innovative development throughout the country. Some national aspects of the implementation of strategic imperatives to manage the factors of competitiveness of staff of employees of IAE are studied by scholars from Brazil, Norway, Finland, Iran, and post-socialist countries in Europe. The most difficult part of the process of realization of strategic imperatives of managing the intellectual resources of the personnel is maximizing the factors of increasing the personal competitive innovative potential of the employee, which takes place within the functioning of IAE as an open sociocentric network for the production of new knowledge by means of socially inclusive social capital development. Structural, cognitive and relational dimensions of social capital of this type are considered as a means of combining, replacing, forming new intellectual capital of an IAE.

Keywords: personnel management; innovative enterprise; innovative ecosystem of knowledge-intensive enterprise; strategic imperative.


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20. Ding, D.Z., and Akhtar, S. (2001), “The organizational choice of human resource management practices: A study of Chinese enterprises in three cities in the PRC”. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 12, No 6, pp. 946-964.
21. Eriksson, T., Qin, Z., and Wang, W. (2014), “Firm-level Innovation Activity, Employee Turnover and HRM Practices – Evidence from Chinese Firms”. Economics Working Papers 2014-09. Aarhus: Aarhus University, available at: http://econ.au.dk/fileadmin/site_files/ filer_oekonomi/Working_Papers/Economics/2014/wp14_09.pdf (Accessed 11 Nov. 2019).
22. Hofstede, G. (1991), “Cultures and organizations, Software of the mind. Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival”. London: McGraw-Hill, UK.
23. Ivanova, I., Strand, Ø., and Leydesdorff, L. (2019), “The Synergy and Cycle Values in Regional Innovation Systems: The Case of Norway”. Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 13, No 1, pp. 48-61.
24. Kim, G.H. (2017), “The Nature and Limits of Income-led Growth Theory”. Labour Society, Vol. 197, pp. 27-31.
25. Kim, S.S., and Choi Y.S. (2019), “The Innovative Platform Programme in South Korea: Economic Policies in Innovation-Driven Growth”. Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 13, No 3, pp. 13-22.
26. Kim, T.I. (2018), “Assessments of the Income-led Growth and Future Policy Direction”. Proceedings of the Autumn Conference of 2018 of the Korean Association for Policy Studies, pp. 257-286.
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30. Kuzminov, Ya., Sorokin, P., and Froumin. I. (2019), “Generic and Specific Skills as Components of Human Capital: New Challenges for Education Theory and Practice”. Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 13, No 2 pp. 19-41.
31. Linton, J. (2018), “Quiet Contributors: The Role of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in Innovation”. Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 12, No 3 pp. 6-12.
32. Milovidov V. (2018), “Hearing the Sound of the Wave: What Impedes One’s Ability to Foresee Innovations?” Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 12, No 1 pp. 88-97.
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38. Raunio, M., Nordling, N., Kautonen, M., and Räsänen, P. (2018), “Open Innovation Platforms as a Knowledge Triangle Policy Tool – Evidence from Finland”. Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 12, no 2 pp. 62-76.
39. Rezaeian, A., and Bagheri, R. (2018), “Modeling the Factors that Affect the Implementation of Knowledge Networks”. Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 12, No 1, pp. 56-67.
40. Seidl da Fonseca, R., and Pinheiro-Veloso, A. (2018), “The Practice and Future of Financing Science, Technology, and Innovation”. Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 12, No 2, available at: DOI: 10.17323/2500-2597.2018.2.6.22 (Accessed 19 Nov. 2019).
41. Shamsi, A. (2017), “The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Managerial Skills: The Role of Creative Thinking”. Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 11, No 4, pp. 44-51.
42. Tang, S.F.Y., Lai, E.W.K., Cheng, L.Z., and Zhang S.Q. (1996), “Human Resource Management Strategies and Practices in Foreign Invested Enterprises in the PRC”. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of HRM, Hong Kong.
43. Ungson, C.R., Steers, R.M., and Park, S.-H. (1997), “Korean Enterprise: The Quest for Globalization”. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press, UK.
44. Warner M. (1996), “Human Resources in the People’s Republic of China: The “Three Systems” Reforms”. Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 6. No 2, pp. 32-43.
45. Zavyalova, E., Alsufyev, A., Krakovetskaya, I., Lijun, W., and Li, J. (2018), “Personnel Development in Chinese Innovation-Active Companies”. Foresight and STI Governance, Vol. 12, no 3, pp. 43-52.
46. Zhu, C.J. (1998), “Human Resource Development in China During the Transition to a New Economic System”. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 35, No 3, pp. 19-44.

№ 12 2019

Дата публікації: 2019-12-27

Кількість переглядів: 7963

Відомості про авторів

Р. І. Жовновач

д. е. н., професор кафедри економічної теорії, маркетингу та економічної кібернетики,Центральноукраїнський національний технічний університет, Кропивницький, Україна

R. Zhovnovach

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of economic theory, marketing and economic cybernetics’ department,Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine



Ю. В. Малаховський

к. е. н., доцент кафедри економіки, менеджменту та комерційної діяльності,Центральноукраїнський національний технічний університет, Кропивницький, Україна

Y. Malakhovskyi

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the department of economy,management and commercial activity,Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine



М. М. Г. Мохамед

аспірант,Центральноукраїнський національний технічний університет, Кропивницький, Україна

M. Mohamed

PhD studentCentral Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine



Як цитувати статтю

Жовновач Р. І., Малаховський Ю. В., М. М. Г. Мохамед Стратегічні імперативи управління інтелектуальними ресурсами персоналу інноваційно активних підприємств (зарубіжний досвід). Ефективна економіка. 2019. № 12. – URL: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=7702 (дата звернення: 10.10.2024). DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2019.12.17

Zhovnovach, R., Malakhovskyi, Y. and Mohamed, M. (2019), “Strategic imperatives for managing intellectual resources of the innovative active enterprises’ employees (foreign experience)”, Efektyvna ekonomika, [Online], vol. 12, available at: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=7702 (Accessed 10 Oct 2024). DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2019.12.17

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