В. Л. Андрущенко, Т. В. Тучак
DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2020.5.16
УДК: 336.2
В. Л. Андрущенко, Т. В. Тучак
На перший план суспільного і наукового інтересу піднялася проблема пандемії. В статті розглянуто ті податково-бюджетні заходи і механізми, якими уряди реагують на небувалі загрози пандемії. На прикладі розвинених країн Заходу показано, що небезпека і глобальні масштаби проблеми пандемії загалом не поміняли традиційні фіскальні інструменти та підходи до регулювання фінансово-економічних процесів, що засвідчує притаманну їм незамінність та ефективність. Новим явищем державного регулювання стало застосування звільнень від податків. В Україні деякі вразливі категорії населення звільнено від єдиного соціального внеску. Пандемія переконливо довела, що рецепти лібертаріанства, які помилково містяться в умах деяких вітчизняних державних діячів, політиків і академічних економістів в податково-бюджетній сфері нездійсненні.
Ключові слова: пандемія; державна допомога; звільнення від податків; лібертаріанство; ігрові неподаткові доходи.
1. Amendment to the Temporary Framework. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_570
2. Buchanan J.M. Public Finance and Public Choice: Two Contrasting Visions of the State / James M. Buchanan, Richard A. Musgrave. – The MIT Press: Cambridge (Mass.); London, 2000. – XII, 272 p.
3. Bloomberg Tax. International direct and indirect Tax COVID-19 Roadmap (2020). Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://aboutbtax.com/PH8; https://aboutbtax.com/PH9 (Accessed 4 January 2011).
4. Libertarian party principle. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.lp.org/issues/taxes/
5. Political Economy and Public Finance / Ed. by S.L. Winner, H Shibata. – Cheltenham etc.: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2002. – XII, 242 p.
6. Rosen H.S. Public Finance / H.S. Rosen. – Boston etc.: Irwin; McGraw-Hill. 2014. – XXX, 623 p.
7. Tax virus briefing: prospects for a new aid Package. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://news.bloombergtax.com/daily-tax-report/tax-virus-briefing-prospects-for-another-aid-package-unclear
8. Tax havens, tax avoidance, and government support for businesses during the coronavirus pandemic [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.taxwatchuk.org/government_support_during_coronavirus
9. What is the Federal Government Doing in Response to COVID-19? [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.taxnotes.com/featured-news/covid-19-force-majeure-and-tax-incentive-agreements/2020/03/25/2cb7v
V. Andrushchenko, T. Tuchak
The problem of the coronavirus pandemic has come to the forefront of public and scientific interest. The article is devoted to the fiscal measures and mechanisms by which governments respond to unprecedented pandemic threats. The example of developed Western countries shows that the danger and the global scale of the problem have not changed the traditional fiscal instruments and approaches to the regulation of financial and economic processes, which testifies to their inherent irreplaceability and efficiency.
Economists have long been contending over the pros and cons of state intervention in socio-economic processes, the positive and negative of state regulation. In Ukraine, among economists there are so-called libertarians. They trust only the very limited rights of the state powers, in no way allow the expansion of governmental powers. The events of the pandemic are convincingly on the side of government intervention into any social events.
For example, the United States federal government has adopted a large program of organizational activities, administrative and fiscal means, dozens by number. The general content of the measures is to alleviate the situation of various segments of the population and categories of taxpayers. The tax-budget form of the tax subsidy provides assistance to veterans, students, servicemen, etc., not even forgotten by residents of Indian reservations. This approach is a mix of taxation and subsidy technologies, as tax is the inverse of the subsidy, and vice versa. The tax subsidy allows taxpayers to receive assistance that takes the form of compensation for the costs incurred by the taxpayer as a result of a pandemic, at the expense of income.
A new phenomenon of state regulation was the application of tax exemptions. In Ukraine, some vulnerable groups are exempt from the single social contribution. The pandemic has convincingly proved that the recipes of libertarianism, which are erroneously contained in the minds of some domestic statesmen, politicians and economists in fiscal sphere are unfeasible. The government intervention and control is necessary.
Keywords: pandemic; state aid; tax exemption; libertarianism; game non-tax revenues.
1. The official site of European Commission (2020), “Amendment to the Temporary Framework”, available at: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_570 (Accessed 14 May 2020).
2. Buchanan, J. (2000), Public Finance and Public Choice: Two Contrasting Visions of the State, The MIT Press, London, UK.
3. Site of the analytical company Bloomberg Tax (2020), “ International direct and indirect Tax COVID-19 Roadmap”, available at: https://aboutbtax.com/PH8; https://aboutbtax.com/PH9(Accessed 10 May 2020).
4. The official site of libertarian party (2020), “Libertarian party principle”, available at: https://www.lp.org/issues/taxes/(Accessed 19 May 2020).
5. Winner, S. and Shibata, H. (2002), Political Economy and Public Finance, Cheltenham etc.: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Ottawa, Canada.
6. Rosen, H. (2014), Public Finance, 3rd ed, Boston, USA.
7. Site of the analytical company Bloomberg Tax (2020), “Tax virus briefing: prospects for a new aid Package”, available at: https://news.bloombergtax.com/daily-tax-report/tax-virus-briefing-prospects-for-another-aid-package-unclear (Accessed 16 May 2020).
8. . The site of news Tax watch (2020), “Tax havens, tax avoidance, and government support for businesses during the coronavirus pandemic”, available at: https://www.taxwatchuk.org/government_support_during_coronavirus/(Accessed 19 May 2020).
9. The official site Department of the treasury US (2020), “What is the Federal Government Doing in Response to COVID-19?”, available at: https://www.taxnotes.com/featured-news/covid-19-force-majeure-and-tax-incentive-agreements/2020/03/25/2cb7v (Accessed 11 May 2020).
№ 5 2020
Дата публікації: 2020-05-28
Кількість переглядів: 13252