DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2020.5.22
УДК: 338.516.454
О. У. Безчасний, С. М. Трапаідзе
В статті визначено основні інструменти регіонального розвитку щодо реалізації у регіоні державної стратегії регіонального розвитку та регіональних стратегій розвитку. Показано стратегію горизонтальної інтеграції яку пропонуємо застосовувати виробникам зерна в регіоні. Оскільки їх досить багато, ринкова влада кожного з них мінімальна. Створення потужних зернових кооперативів зменшить інтенсивність конкурентної боротьби між ними і сприятиме зростанню ринкової ціни на зерно. Відмічено, що на відміну від ринків продукції сільського господарства, які є високо конкурентними, ринки продукції харчової промисловості є значно менш конкурентними. Це викликане, перш за все, набагато меншою кількістю виробників, структуризацією ринків за торговельними марками.
Ключові слова: агропромислове виробництво; стратегія; управління; регуляторна політика; регіон; конкурентоспроможність; регіональний розвиток; економіка.
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A. Bezchasnyi, S. Trapaidze
The article identifies the main tools of regional development for the implementation of the state strategy of regional development and regional development strategies in the region. The strategy of horizontal integration that we propose to apply to grain producers in the region is shown. Since there are many of them, the market power of each of them is minimal. The creation of powerful grain cooperatives will reduce the intensity of competition between them and increase the market price of grain. It is noted that in contrast to agricultural markets, which are highly competitive, food markets are much less competitive. This is caused, first of all, by a much smaller number of producers, the structuring of markets by brand.
It is noted that during the analyzed period in Ukraine no modern regional policy has been formed, which would correspond to the status of an independent state, the declared principles of development and international standards in this area. The existing mechanisms are based on an outdated centralized management system, which exhausted itself in the 80s of the last century and is temporarily acceptable only in extreme situations. It is proposed to review in the current conditions the existing developments on the creation of a national system of criteria for assessing the state of socio-economic development of regions and their selection on the basis of depressed areas and maximum adaptation to European standards.
In our opinion, the most promising strategy in the milk market is the creation of integration formations of horizontal and vertical types. The establishment of cooperatives of milk producers (vertical integration) will strengthen their market power, will adjust the market price of raw milk, will ensure quality control of manufactured products in private households. Cooperative formations will be able to form significant batches of raw materials that will be supplied for processing, which will increase the level of selling prices for milk and in turn will increase the profits of private producers.
It is noted that the effectiveness of the use of marketing strategies by enterprises and subsectors of the food industry depends on the proper development of a plan of marketing activities, definition of the target market, investment of sufficient resources in the implementation of planned activities, control over their implementation. Therefore, in order to achieve the set strategic goals, it is necessary to involve only highly qualified specialists or well-known marketing and consulting companies.
Keywords: agro - industrial production; strategy; management; regulatory policy; region; competitiveness; regional development; economy.
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№ 5 2020
Дата публікації: 2020-05-28
Кількість переглядів: 10771