О. І. Заяць
DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2020.9.66
УДК: 339.977
О. І. Заяць
У даній статті досліджується конкуренція між міжнародними інтеграційними об’єднаннями. Зазначено, що перехід від «твердих» до «м’яких» форм конкуренції у світовій торговельній практиці сприяв появі нового неологізму – терміна конкуперація. Виокремлено форми конкурентного співробітництва на основі конкуперації. Визначено, що основним напрямом, згідно якого реалізується стратегія конкуперації на глобальному рівні є координація спільних дій МІО для зменшення негативного впливу асиметрії інформації на ринках з високим рівнем конкуренції та значними логістичними витратами у ланцюгах створення цінності. Охарактеризовано чотири основні механізми, за допомогою яких МІО можуть розділити суперництво і співробітництво та пом’якшити властиву конкуперації напруженість. Виділено складові формування довгострокової конкурентної політики: рівновага та збалансованість; гомеостаз; саморегуляція; аутопоезис; еквіфінальність; загальна фінальність.
Ключові слова: конкуперація; партнерство; співробітництво; конкуренція; міжнародне інтеграційне об’єднання.
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11. Chauffour J.-P. (2018) Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development: A Handbook / J.-P. Chauffour, J.-C. Maur (eds) – Washington, DC: The World Bank. – 536 p.
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13. Kuznetsov D. A. (2019) Discussion on Transregionalism and the Destiny of the Mega-Projects TPP and TTIP // The Regional World Order. Transregionalism, Regional Integration, and Regional Projects across Europe and Asia. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Rowman & Littlefield / Lexington Books. – URL: https://www.comparativepolitics.org/jour/article/view/993/690
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15. Ariffin E. (2019) How the CPTPP could widen inequality. The Asian Post, 02/20/2019. – URL: https://theaseanpost.com/article/how-cptpp-could-widen-inequality
16. Deep Provision in Regional Trade Agreements: How Multilateral Friendly? OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate. – URL: http://www.oecd.org/tad/benefitlib/Deep-Provisions-RTA-February-2015.pdf
17. Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO: A Troublesome Relationship / World Trade Organization web-page. – URL: https://www.wto.org/English/res_e/booksp_e/discussion_papers12b_e.pdf
O. Zayats
This article examines the competition between international integration groupings. It has been noted that the transition from "hard" to "soft" forms of competition in world trade practice has contributed to the emergence of a neologism “coopetition”. The article singles out forms of competitive cooperation based on coopetition. It has been identified that while the cooperation involves activities aimed at acquisition of the comparative advantage through agreements (bilateral and multilateral) on conditions that create any benefit, ensuring its equal distribution among all members, competition aims to reduce the comparative advantage of other actors by undermining the credibility, refusing to participate in the proposed formats of cooperation and / or the establishing alternative formats that are similar in terms of goals or resources involved. It has been determined that the main direction of implementing the competition strategy at the global level is the coordination of international integration groupings’ joint actions to reduce the negative impact of information asymmetry in markets with a high level of competition and significant logistics costs in value chains. The article describes the four main mechanisms through which international integration groupings can separate competition and cooperation and alleviate competition tensions. The research substantiates the appropriateness of considering the essence of coopetition processes with respect to: scope: economic, societal, environmental, political and military; lateralism: bilateral or multilateral; commitment: recommendatory or binding; uniqueness: the existence of similar alternative forms; inclusiveness: inclusiveness (transparency) or exclusiveness principle. The components of long-term competition policy have been highlighted: balance and equilibrium; homeostasis; self-regulation; autopoiesis; equifinality; common finality. Results. Coopetition does not imply equilibrium – neither cooperation nor competition have the means to equally bring the two competing international integration groupings closer to the goal of mutually acceptable and generally accepted cooperation framework. Thus, the choice of international integration groupings’ competition tools causes reputational losses and reduces the motivation to participate in the institutional transformations of the merger model, the time between the initiative on changing the model and the effect of its implementation increases (the competition process becomes more complicated, and the benefits of cooperation are significantly being reduced).
Keywords: coopetition; partnership; cooperation; competition; international integration grouping.
1. Dereli, D. (2015), “Innovation Management in Global Competition and Competitive Advantage”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol.195, pр. 1365-1370. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.323
2. Jena, S. and Sarmah, S. (2016), “Price and service coopetiton under uncertain demand and condition of used items in a remanufacturing system”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol.173, pp. 1-21.
3. Shvindina, G. (2017), “Innovations in the development of strategic management: from competition to cooperation”, Markety`ng y` menedzhment y`nnovacy`j, vol.1, pp. 180–192.
4. Lazorenko, T. and Solosich, O. (2018), “Cooperation as a modern approach to strategic enterprise management”, Problemy` sy`stemnogo pidxodu v ekonomici, № 6 (68), pp. 96-100.
5. Brandenburger, A. and Nalebuff, B. (1996), “Co-opetition. A Revolutionary Mindset That Combines Competition and Cooperation”, available at: https://web.archive.org/web/20120417123034/ (Accessed 15 Sept 2020).
6. Telo, M. (2017), Regionalism in Hard Times. Competitive and Post-Liberal Trends in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, Routledge, London, New York.
7. Bates, R. Sened, I. and Galiani, S. (2014), “The New Institutionalism. The Work of Douglas North”, Institutions, Economic Growth, and Property Rights: The Legacy of Douglass North, Cambridge University Press, available at: http://scholar.harvard.edu/rbates/publications/new-institutionalism-work-douglas-north (Accessed 15 Sept 2020).
8. Barkin, J. (2015), “On the Heuristic Use of Formal Models in International Relations Theory”, International Studies Review, vol.17, pp. 617–634.
9. Voskressesnki, А. (2017), Non-Western Theories of International Relations: Conceptualizing World-Regional Studies. Shpringer Global (Europe-America), Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.
10. Seib, G. (2015), “Obama Presses Case for Asia Trade Deal, Warns Failure Would Benefit China”, Wall Street Journal News, vol. April 27, available at: http://www.wsj.com/articles/obama-presses-case-for-asia-trade-deal-warns-failure-would-benefit-china-1430160415 (Accessed 15 Sept 2020).
11. Chauffour, J.-P. (2018), Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development: A Handbook, The World Bank, Washington, DC.
12. McChesney, F. Reksulak, M. and Shughart, W. (2015), Competition Policy in Public Choice Perspective, The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics, Volume 2, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
13. Kuznetsov, D. (2019), “Discussion on Transregionalism and the Destiny of the Mega-Projects TPP and TTIP”, The Regional World Order. Transregionalism, Regional Integration, and Regional Projects across Europe and Asia, Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Rowman & Littlefield, Lexington Books, available at: https://www.comparativepolitics.org/jour/article/view/993/690 (Accessed 15 Sept 2020).
14. Shasty`tko, A. and Kurdy`n, A. (2016), “Incentives for innovation processes in discrete structural alternatives competition policy”, Voprosu ekonomy`ky`, vol.4, pp. 56–85.
15. Ariffin, E. (2019), “How the CPTPP could widen inequality”, The Asian Post, available at: https://theaseanpost.com/article/how-cptpp-could-widen-inequality (Accessed 15 Sept 2020).
16. OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate (2015), “Deep Provision in Regional Trade Agreements: How Multilateral Friendly?”, available at: http://www.oecd.org/tad/benefitlib/Deep-Provisions-RTA-February-2015.pdf (Accessed 15 Sept 2020).
17. World Trade Organization web-page (2006), “Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO: A Troublesome Relationship”, available at: https://www.wto.org/English/res_e/booksp_e/discussion_papers12b_e.pdf (Accessed 15 Sept 2020).
№ 9 2020
Дата публікації: 2020-09-28
Кількість переглядів: 7401