DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2021.5.75
УДК: 658.078
В. В. Ушкальов, М. П. Мартіянова
У статті здійснено аналіз підходів до оцінки ефективності розвитку персоналу підприємства. Визначено змістовні складові розвитку персоналу та існуючі особливості їх прояву. Проведено аналіз методів оцінки ефективності розвитку персоналу, що використовуються на підприємствах, та визначено їх переваги та недоліки. З огляду на провідну роль навчання у забезпеченні розвитку персоналу проведено аналіз основних моделей оцінки ефективності навчання. Узагальнено чинники, що впливають на ефективність розвитку персоналу на промислових підприємствах. Визначено особливості застосування однофакторних та комплексних підходів до оцінки ефективності розвитку та сформульовано теоретичний базис для обрання методу оцінювання. Уточнено критерії вибору методів оцінки ефективності розвитку персоналу підприємства в контексті застосування ситуаційного підходу до управління підприємством.
Ключові слова: розвиток персоналу; ефективність; оцінка ефективності; методи оцінки ефективності; критерії розвитку; чинники розвитку.
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V. Ushkalyov, M. Martiyanova
Staff development, being a complex system of interaction of individual, organizational, social factors and external conditions, is a purposeful process that has its own value for the company, and can be characterized by different performance parameters. In view of this, it is in the context of practical interest for the company to find ways to evaluate and increase the efficiency of this process, which would increase the potential of staff and optimize the associated costs in the management system of the enterprise.
The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical and methodological principles of assessing the effectiveness of staff development at the enterprise.
Staff development as a purposeful process of increasing the potential of the employee and the realization of his abilities, includes: the formation of activity of the individual and his professional identity, the formation of new and integration of existing knowledge, skills, personal qualities, abilities, readiness to achieve business goals. In the work has been made an attempt to generalize the existing approaches to determining the effectiveness of this process.
Assessment of the effectiveness of staff development is the result of a comprehensive measurement of changes that occur in staff during the implementation of targeted development activities. It is always relative, situational determined and must take into account certain features:
economic results of staff development are contextually related to organizational goals and development goals;
the main purpose of staff development is to achieve the target state of the employee, rather than certain economic indicators of the enterprise as a whole;
the main place in the structure of the result of staff development is occupied by structural changes of professionally important qualities of the employee, the level of manifestation of which is to some extent determined by the external conditions of its functioning;
assessment of the effectiveness of development should take into account the impact of external conditions and determine their weight in the overall level of the result;
cost items of staff development should be considered in terms of impact on the formation of target conditions of the employee.
Based on the strategic goals of the enterprise to assess the effectiveness of staff development in each situation should be determined the structural elements of effective activity and their weight, which will characterize the impact of certain prerequisites for the formation of more effective ways of working. The assessment of the effectiveness of the applied development methods should be two-factor and based on a comparative assessment of the changes that have occurred in the staff relative to the initial level (before developmental intervention) and a relative assessment of development opportunities by other available intervention methods.
Keywords: personnel development; efficiency; performance evaluation; methods of performance evaluation; development criteria; development factors.
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№ 5 2021
Дата публікації: 2021-05-27
Кількість переглядів: 10280