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Л. Є. Купінець, Г. О. Тютюнник

DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2021.8.3

УДК: 332.012(330.341:608)

Л. Є. Купінець, Г. О. Тютюнник



В статті представлено передумови формування атмосфери середовища міських територій як основи сталого урбанізму та розвитку креативної економіки крізь призму необхідності розвинення нового погляду на розвиток міста. Обґрунтовано сутнісне уявлення поняття атмосфери, складові, особливості розвитку нового тренду атмосфери середовища як антропо-екологоцентричного явища, який включає в себе розвиток міських територій як економіко-екологічну та соціо-емоційну систему. Досліджено показники оцінки емоційного стану споживача. Розроблено схему організаційного забезпечення формування атмосфери середовища. Обгрунтовано, що атмосфера є базисом інклюзивного зростання в якості соціальних кластерів; основою нового напряму креативної економіки та відповідності України Програмі «Креативна Європа»; ІТ середовищем та простором зацікавленості талантів; інвестиційно-привабленим середовищем для бізнес-структур, діячів мистецтва та науковців; поштовхом для прискорення екологізації транспортної системи; підґрунтям потреби у розвитку нових спеціальностей та фахівців, відповідно появою нових сфер діяльності.

Ключові слова: атмосфера середовища; сталий урбанізм; креативна економіка; економіко-екологічна оцінка; діагностика; еко-девелопмент.


1. Huang, Lu & Wu, Jianguo & Yan, Lijiao. (2015). Defining and measuring urban sustainability: a review of indicators. Landscape Ecology, 30. 10.1007/s10980-015-0208-2.
2. Шупта І.М. Креативні індустрії, креативна економіка : історія, теорія та сучасні практики. Децентралізація влади в Україні: виклики та можливості для громад міст обласного значення: матеріали Всеукраїнської наук.-практ. конф., м. Полтава, 1 лист. 2017 р., 2018. URL: http://dspace.pdaa.edu.ua:8080/handle/123456789/2534
3. Kotler, P. (1973). Atmospherics as a marketing tool. Journal of Retailing, 49, 4: 48-64.
4. Hussain, R., and Ali, M. (2015). Effect of Store Atmosphere on Consumer Purchase Intention. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 7, 2.
5. Kim, W.G. & Moon Y.J (2009). Customers cognitive, emotional and actionable response to the servicescape : A test of the moderating effect of the restaurant type. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28 (1): 144-156.
6. Ahern J., Cilliers S., Niemelä J. (2014). The concept of ecosystem services in adaptive urban planning and design: A framework for supporting innovation. Landscape and Urban Planning 125: 254-259.
7. Liu, Y. and Jang, S.S. (2009). Perceptions of Chinese restaurants in the US: what affects customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28, 3: 338-348. URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2008.10.008
8. Mercer 2018 Global Quality of Life Ranking (2018). URL: https://www.mercer.com/newsroom/2018-quality-of-living-survey.html.
9. Jennifer Rempel (2020). Great cities are defined by great public spaces. The City of Calgary Newsroom. URL: https://newsroom.calgary.ca/great-cities-are-defined-by-great-public-spaces/
10. Baker, J. (1987). The role of the environment in marketing services: The consumer perspective. In J. Czepiel, C.A. Congram, & J. Shanahan (Eds.), The services challenge: Integrating for competitive advantage: 79-84. Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association.
11. Arnold, S. J., Handelman, J., & Tigert, D. J. (1996). Organisational legitimacy and retail store patronage. Journal of Business Research, 35: 229-239. doi:10.1016/0148-2963(95)00128-X.
12. Weinrach, J. (2000). Environmental psychology: Why should we care? Environmental Quality Management, 10: 83-86.
13. Turley, L. W., & Milliman, R. E. (2000). Atmospheric effects on shopping behavior: A review of the experimental evidence. Journal of Business Research, 49: 193-211. URL: doi:10.1016/S0148- 2963(99)00010-7.
14. Mathwick, C., Malhotra, N., & Rigdon, E. (2001). Experiential value: Conceptualization, measurement and application in the catalogue and internet shopping environment. Journal of Retailing, 77: 39-56. doi:10.1016/S0022-4359(00)00045-2.
15. Hutton, J. D., & Richardson, L. D. (1995). Healthscapes: The role of the facility and physical environment on consumer attitudes, satisfaction, quality assessments and behaviours. Health Care Management Review, 20: 48-61.
16. Tombs, A., & McColl-Kennedy, J. R. (2003). Social-servicescape conceptual model. Marketing Theory, 3, 447-475. doi:10.1177/1470593103040785.
17. Ryu, K. (2005). Dinescape, emotions and behavioral intentions in upscale restaurants. Master's Thesis. Ankara.
18. Jang, S.C. and Y. Liu, (2008). Perceptions of Chinese restaurants in the U.S.: What affects customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28: 338-348.
19. Silva, T. S., and Giraldi, J. D. M. E. (2010). The influence of store image on customer satisfaction: a case study of a shoe store. Brazilian Business Review, 7(2), 60-77.
20. The World’s most reputable cities (2018). Reputation Institute. URL: https://www.thinkingheads.com/tendencia-global/ciudades-calidad-de-vida-talento/.
21. Hancock, T. (2021). Indicators of Environmental Health in the Urban Setting. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 93: 45-51.URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41993962
22. Матушкіна М.В. Креативна економіка як мотиватор розвитку креативного міста. Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної Інтернет-конференції «Економіка міста та урбаністика», КНЕУ, 2018. С. 216-219.
23. Yudelson J. 10 Green Building Megatrends For 2017. URL: https://www.reinventinggreenbuilding.com/news/2016/11/29/10-green-building-megatrends-for-2017
24. Чевганова В.Я., Введенська А.В., Заплава О.Ю. Креативна економіка: світовий досвід та уроки для України. Економіка та суспільство : ел. наук. фах. вид. / укачівський держ. ун-т. № 19. 2018. С. 680-688. URL: http://economyandsociety.in.ua/journal/19_ukr/106.pdf.
25. Heide, M., & Grønhaug, K. (2009). Key factors in guests’ perception of hotel atmosphere. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 50: 29-43. URL: doi:10.1177/1938965508328420.
26. Mathur, T., Gupta, A. (2019). The impact of dining atmospherics and perceived food quality on customers' re-patronage intention in fast casual restaurants. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 25, 1: 95-119.
27. Charl Louw (2004). The presentation of self-concept and emotional profile in a cardiological population. Magister Artium. Pretoria. 148.
28. Izard, Caroll E. (1982). Measuring Emotions in Infants and Children. Cambridge: Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge. 251-252.
29. Валдез П., Мехрабиан, А. Влияние цвета на эмоции. Журнал экспериментальной психологии, 1994. № 123 (4): 394-409. URL: doi:10.1037/0096-3445.123.4.394
30. David W. Stewart (1987). Toward a standardized emotional profile (SEP) useful in measuring responses to the nonverbal components of advertising. Los Angeles, Lexington Books. 43.
31. Кузьмина В.А. Ландшафтна екологія. Одеса: ОДЕКУ, 2017. 105 с.
32. McKinsey Quarterly. (2018). The business value of design. Report. URL: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-design/our-insights/the-business-value-of-design
33. Про Програму «Креативна Європа». URL: https://creativeeurope.in.ua/p/about
34. Креативна Україна в контексті програми ЄС “Креативна Європа”. URL: https://euprostir.org.ua/practices/134281
35. Architecture. Colab Quarter. URL: http://colabquarter.org/vivre/en/architecture.html
36. Сотнікова, Ю.В. Креативна економіка в Україні: реальність чи перспектива? Вісник Національного університету водного господарства та природокористування, 2016. (3(75)). С. 178-189.

L. Kupinets, H. Tiutiunnyk



The growing population and urban development require greater environmental services for the sustainability of social development, which creates a link between urbanization and the urban environment. The development of sustainable urbanism around the world is aimed at expanding urban ecosystems. Although urbanization often correlates positively with socio-economic development, this process leads to a number of environmental problems. The basis for ensuring the rational use of urban lands is the need to justify a new view of cities and urban areas, based on the concept of the atmosphere as the basis of sustainable urbanism. Ukraine's accession to the Creative Europe program and the definition of creative economy markets (architecture, design, fashion, IT, media, production, publishing, art, photography, festivals, music, craft / handmade) requires consideration of the city not only as a socio-ecological and economic system. The idea of the city needs a broader view as a creative space, social, innovative and emotional environment.
Prerequisites for the formation the atmosphere of urban areas as the basis of sustainable urbanism and the development of creative economy through the prism of the need to develop a new perspective on urban development are presented. The essential idea of the concept, components, features of development of the atmosphere environment as a new trend and anthropo-eco-centric phenomenon, which includes the development of urban areas as an economic-ecological and socio-emotional system, is substantiated. Indicators of assessment of the emotional state of the consumer are investigated. The scheme of organizational support of formation of the atmosphere environment is developed. It is substantiated that the atmosphere is the basis of inclusive growth as social clusters; the basis of a new direction of the creative economy and Ukraine's compliance with the Creative Europe Program; IT environment and talent interest space; investment-attractive environment for business structures, artists and scientists; a push to accelerate the greening of the transport system; the need for the development of new specialties and specialists, respectively, the emergence of new areas of activity.

Keywords: atmosphere environment; sustainable urbanism; creative economy; economic and ecological assessment; diagnostics; eco-development.


1. Huang, Lu & Wu, Jianguo & Yan, Lijiao. (2015), “Defining and measuring urban sustainability: a review of indicators”, Landscape Ecology, vol. 30. 10.1007/s10980-015-0208-2.
2. Shupta I.M. (2017), “Creative industries, creative economy: history, theory and modern practices”. Materialy Vseukrayinskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii [Materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference]. Decentralization of power in Ukraine: challenges and opportunities for communities of cities of regional significance, Poltava, 2018. URL: http://dspace.pdaa.edu.ua:8080/handle/123456789/2534
3. Kotler, P. (1973), “Atmospherics as a marketing tool”. Journal of Retailing, vol. 49, 4. pp. 48-64.
4. Ryu, K. (2005). “Dinescape, emotions and behavioral intentions in upscale restaurants”. Master's Thesis. Ankara.
5. Hussain, R., and Ali, M. (2015). “Effect of Store Atmosphere on Consumer Purchase Intention”. International Journal of Marketing Studies, vol. 7, pp. 2-5.
6. Kim, W.G. & Moon Y.J (2009). “Customers cognitive, emotional and actionable response to the servicescape : A test of the moderating effect of the restaurant type”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 28 (1). pp. 144-156.
7. Ahern J., Cilliers S., Niemelä J. (2014). “The concept of ecosystem services in adaptive urban planning and design: A framework for supporting innovation”. Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 125. pp. 254-259.
8. Liu, Y. and Jang, S.S. (2009). “Perceptions of Chinese restaurants in the US: what affects customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions?” International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 28, 3. pp. 338-348. available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2008.10.008
9. Mercer 2018 Global Quality of Life Ranking (2018), available at: https://www.mercer.com/newsroom/2018-quality-of-living-survey.html.
10. Jennifer Rempel (2020). “Great cities are defined by great public spaces”. The City of Calgary Newsroom, available at: https://newsroom.calgary.ca/great-cities-are-defined-by-great-public-spaces/
11. Baker, J., In J. Czepiel, C.A. Congram, & J. Shanahan (Eds.), (1987). “The role of the environment in marketing services: The consumer perspective”. The services challenge: Integrating for competitive advantage: pp. 79-84. Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association.
12. Arnold, S. J., Handelman, J., & Tigert, D. J. (1996). “Organisational legitimacy and retail store patronage”. Journal of Business Research, vol. 35, pp. 229-239. doi:10.1016/0148-2963(95)00128-X.
13. Weinrach, J. (2000). “Environmental psychology: Why should we care?” Environmental Quality Management, vol. 10. pp. 83-86.
14. Turley, L. W., & Milliman, R. E. (2000). “Atmospheric effects on shopping behavior: A review of the experimental evidence”. Journal of Business Research, vol. 49. pp. 193-211, doi:10.1016/S0148- 2963(99)00010-7.
15. Mathwick, C., Malhotra, N., & Rigdon, E. (2001). “Experiential value: Conceptualization, measurement and application in the catalogue and internet shopping environment”. Journal of Retailing, vol. 77. pp. 39-56. doi:10.1016/S0022-4359(00)00045-2.
16. Hutton, J. D., & Richardson, L. D. (1995). “Healthscapes: The role of the facility and physical environment on consumer attitudes, satisfaction, quality assessments and behaviours”. Health Care Management Review, vol. 20. pp. 48-61.
17. Tombs, A., & McColl-Kennedy, J. R. (2003). “Social-servicescape conceptual model”. Marketing Theory, vol. 3, pp. 447-475. doi:10.1177/1470593103040785.
18. Jang, S.C. and Y. Liu, (2008). “Perceptions of Chinese restaurants in the U.S.: What affects customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions?” International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 28. pp. 338-348.
19. Silva, T. S., and Giraldi, J. D. M. E. (2010). “The influence of store image on customer satisfaction: a case study of a shoe store”. Brazilian Business Review, vol. 7(2), pp. 60-77.
20. Reputation Institute (2018). “The World’s most reputable cities”, available at: https://www.thinkingheads.com/tendencia-global/ciudades-calidad-de-vida-talento/.
21. Hancock, T. (2021). “Indicators of Environmental Health in the Urban Setting”. Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 93. Pp. 45-51, available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41993962
22. Matushkina M.V. (2018), “Creative economy as a motivator for the development of a creative city”. Materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi Internet-konferentsii «Ekonomika mista ta urbanistyka» [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "City Economics and Urbanism"], KNEU, 2018. pp. 216-219.
23. Yudelson J. 10 (2017), “Green Building Megatrends For 2017”, available at: https://www.reinventinggreenbuilding.com/news/2016/11/29/10-green-building-megatrends-for-2017
24. Chevganova V.Ya., Vvedenskaya A.V., Zaplava O.Yu. “Creative economy: world experience and lessons for Ukraine”. E Ekonomika ta suspilstvo : elektronnyi naukovyi fakhovyi zhurnal, Mukachevo State University. vol 19. 2018. pp. 680-688, available at: http://economyandsociety.in.ua/journal/19_ukr/106.pdf.
25. Heide, M., & Grønhaug, K. (2009). “Key factors in guests’ perception of hotel atmosphere”. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, vol. 50. pp. 29-43, doi:10.1177/1938965508328420.
26. Mathur, T., Gupta, A. (2019). “The impact of dining atmospherics and perceived food quality on customers' re-patronage intention in fast casual restaurants”. Tourism and Hospitality Management, vol. 25, 1. pp. 95-119.
27. Charl Louw (2004). The presentation of self-concept and emotional profile in a cardiological population. Magister Artium. Pretoria.
28. Izard, Caroll E. (1982). Measuring Emotions in Infants and Children. Cambridge: Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge. pp. 251-252.
29. Valdez P., Mehrabian, A. (1994). “The influence of color on emotions”. Zhurnal eksperimentalnoi psikhologii, vol. 123 (4). pp. 394-409, doi:10.1037/0096-3445.123.4.394
30. David W. Stewart (1987). Toward a standardized emotional profile (SEP) useful in measuring responses to the nonverbal components of advertising. Los Angeles, Lexington Books.
31. Kuzmyna V.A. (2017). Landshaftna ekolohiia. Odesa: ODEKU.
32. McKinsey Quarterly. (2018). The business value of design. Report, available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-design/our-insights/the-business-value-of-design
33. About the Creative Europe Program. available at: https://creativeeurope.in.ua/p/about
34. Creative Ukraine in the context of the EU program “Creative Europe”, available at: https://euprostir.org.ua/practices/134281
35. Colab Quarter (2021), “Architecture”. available at: http://colabquarter.org/vivre/en/architecture.html
36. Sotnikova, YU.V. (2016). “Creative economy in Ukraine: reality or perspective?” Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu vodnoho hospodarstva ta pryrodokorystuvannia, vol. (3(75)). pp. 178-189.

№ 8 2021

Дата публікації: 2021-08-27

Кількість переглядів: 9723

Відомості про авторів

Л. Є. Купінець

д. е. н., завідувач відділу економіко-екологічних проблем приморських регіонів,Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ

L. Kupinets

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Economic and Ecological Problems of Coastal Regions,Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Ecological Research of NASU



Г. О. Тютюнник

к. е. н., науковий співробітник відділу економіко-екологічних проблем приморських регіонів, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ

H. Tiutiunnyk

PhD in Economics, Researcher of the Department of Economic and Ecological Problems of Coastal Regions, Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Ecological Research of NASU



Як цитувати статтю

Купінець Л. Є., Тютюнник Г. О. Атмосфера середовища міста як основа сталого урбанізму. Ефективна економіка. 2021. № 8. – URL: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=9129 (дата звернення: 17.01.2025). DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2021.8.3

Kupinets, L. and Tiutiunnyk, H. (2021), “Atmosphere environment of the city as the basis of sustainable urbanism”, Efektyvna ekonomika, [Online], vol. 8, available at: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=9129 (Accessed 17 Jan 2025). DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2021.8.3

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