DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2021.10.1
УДК: 330.341.2:338.242.2
В. Л. Смагін, О. В. Орлова-Курилова, О. М. Мартин, І. І. Руда
В статті розглянуто державне регулювання бізнесу на інноваційній основі, зокрема техніко-технологічне переозброєння відповідно потреб ринку в умовах COVID-19 та менеджменту знань. Доведено, що ефективний результат інноваційного процесу передбачає від підприємця залучення креативних менеджерських навичок і вмінь, використання яких у перспективі призведе до отримання підприємницького доходу та користі для суспільства. Перспективна парадигма інноваційного процесу в трансформаційній економіці повинна акумулювати, засвоювати та розповсюджувати загальноприйнятні у науковій думці різні теорії які вивчають: моделювання підприємницьких систем; контекстуалізацію інноваційного процесу; оптимізацію інституціонального середовища; маркетування інноваційної діяльності; соціальну спрямованість бізнесу; теорію організаційних змін; справедливу конкуренцію; теорію розподілу та балансу ресурсів, а також ресурсозбереження; адаптаційні стратегії фірм в умовах COVID-19 та менеджменту знань.
Ключові слова: державне регулювання; бізнес; інновації; техніко-технологічне переозброєння; потреби ринку; COVID-19; менеджмент знань.
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3. Brockova K., Rossokha V., Chaban V., Zos-Kior M., Hnatenko I., Rubezhanska V. Economic mechanism of optimizing the innovation investment program of the development of agro-industrial production. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 1. P. 129-135.
4. Hutorov A. O., Hutorova O O., Lupenko Yu. O., Yermolenko O. A., Voronko-Nevidnycha T. V. Modeling of the Cycle of Reproduction Process in the Agrarian Sector of Economy (Ukraine). Revista Espacios. 2019. Vol. 40. No. 7. P. 19.
5. Hnatenko I., Kuksa I., Orlova-Kurilova O. Paragenesis of entrepreneurship and innovation as drivers of the future economy. Strategic Management: Global Trends and National Peculiarities. Collective monograph. Poland: Publishing House «Baltija Publishing», 2019. P. 48-61.
6. Hnatenko I., Kuksa I., Orlova-Kurilova O., Moisieieva N., Rubezhanska V. State regulation of innovative employment in the context of innovative entrepreneurship development. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. 2019. № 41 (2). P. 228-236.
7. Lozhachevska O., Navrotska T., Melnyk O., Kapinus L., Zos-Kior M., Hnatenko I. Management of the logistical and marketing behavior of innovation clusters in territorial communities in the context of digitalization of society and the online market. Laplage In Review. 2021. № 7 (3). P. 315-323.
8. Rakhmetulina Z., Pokataieva O., Trokhymets O., Hnatenko I., Rubezhanska V. Optimization of the structure of an innovative cluster on a competitive basis in a free market. Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice. 2020. Vol. 4. No.35. P. 238-247.
9. Zhyvko Z., Gorban I., Marushko N., Korzh M., Korogod N. Human Capital Management Under the Conditions of the Postmodern Society in the Context of Ensuring the Economic Safety of the Enterprise. Postmodern Openings. 2021. № 12(1). Р. 267-283.
10. Zos-Kior M., Hnatenko I., Isai O., Shtuler I., Samborskyi O., Rubezhanska V. Management of Efficiency of the Energy and Resource Saving Innovative Projects at the Processing Enterprises. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. 2020. Vol.42. No.4. P. 504-515.
V. Smagin, O. Orlova-Kurilova, O. Martyn, I. Ruda
The article considers the state regulation of business on an innovative basis, in particular technical and technological re-equipment in accordance with the needs of the market in terms of COVID-19 and knowledge management. Ensuring a competitive national economy involves the diffusion of innovation, which is possible under conditions of effective state regulation of the innovation process in business. The world's leading economies have chosen a strategic priority for the development of entrepreneurship in which the production of high-quality products must be ensured through the constant introduction of innovations before market conditions force them to do so. This applies to state support for both large and medium and small enterprises of various forms of ownership and scale of production in terms of COVID-19 and knowledge management. It is proved that the effective result of the innovation process involves the entrepreneur's involvement of creative management skills and abilities, the use of which in the long run will lead to entrepreneurial income and benefits for society. The effectiveness of state regulation of the innovation process is due to the availability of human capital among the representatives of public authorities that implement programs and strategies of state stimulation of the innovation process. In the future, there will be a long process of complementary synthesis of innovative evolutionism and synergetics of the theory of business systems. Based on modern methodology, they will set the trend of forming the internal logic of defining "innovation" as a tool of national entrepreneurship. Thus, the promising paradigm of the innovation process in a transformational economy should accumulate, assimilate and disseminate generally accepted in scientific thought various theories that study: modeling of business systems; contextualization of the innovation process as a non-static phenomenon; optimization of the institutional environment; communication policy; marketing of innovative activity; social orientation of business; theory of organizational change.
Keywords: government regulation; business; innovation; technical and technological re-equipment; market needs; COVID-19; knowledge management.
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3. Brockova, K., Rossokha, V., Chaban, V., Zos-Kior, M., Hnatenko, I. and Rubezhanska, V. (2021), “Economic mechanism of optimizing the innovation investment program of the development of agro-industrial production”, Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, vol. 43.1, pp. 129-135.
4. Hutorov, A. O., Hutorova, O O., Lupenko, Yu. O., Yermolenko, O. A. and Voronko-Nevidnycha, T. V. (2019), “Modeling of the Cycle of Reproduction Process in the Agrarian Sector of Economy (Ukraine)”, Revista Espacios, vol. 40.7, pp. 19.
5. Hnatenko, I., Kuksa, I., and Orlova-Kurilova, O. (2019), “Paragenesis of entrepreneurship and innovation as drivers of the future economy”, Strategic Management: Global Trends and National Peculiarities. Collective monograph. Poland: Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, pp. 48-61.
6. Hnatenko, I., Kuksa, I., Orlova-Kurilova, O., Moisieieva, N. and Rubezhanska, V. (2019), “State regulation of innovative employment in the context of innovative entrepreneurship development”, Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, vol. 41 (2), pp. 228-236.
7. Lozhachevska, O., Navrotska, T., Melnyk, O., Kapinus, L., Zos-Kior, M. and Hnatenko, I. (2021), “Management of the logistical and marketing behavior of innovation clusters in territorial communities in the context of digitalization of society and the online market”, Laplage In Review, vol. 7 (3), pр. 315-323.
8. Rakhmetulina, Z., Pokataieva, O., Trokhymets, O., Hnatenko, I. and Rubezhanska, V. (2020), “Optimization of the structure of an innovative cluster on a competitive basis in a free market”, Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice, vol. 4.35, pp. 238-247.
9. Zhyvko, Z., Gorban, I., Marushko, N., Korzh, M. and Korogod, N. (2021), “Human Capital Management Under the Conditions of the Postmodern Society in the Context of Ensuring the Economic Safety of the Enterprise”, Postmodern Openings, vol. 12(1), pp. 267-283.
10. Zos-Kior, M., Hnatenko, I., Isai, O., Shtuler, I., Samborskyi, O. and Rubezhanska, V. (2020), “Management of Efficiency of the Energy and Resource Saving Innovative Projects at the Processing Enterprises”, Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, vol. 42.4, pp. 504-515.
№ 10 2021
Дата публікації: 2021-10-28
Кількість переглядів: 11039